
Folwell Neighborhood Association (FNA)


Visit for event info and updated details.

Make sure to join the FB Page for community engagement and access to resources.

Join the board of directors!  

Be a part of the Folwell Neighborhood Association!  Apply online or with hard copy by September 23  to be included in the election.  You can nominate yourself or another person during  the meeting.

Get an application through your Neighborhood  Connector or email us at                                                               

Our Anime Club meets every other Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at Folwell Park.  We are encouraging Anime enthusiast teens and adults to join us for viewing, drawing, sharing and talking…

September 1,  Folwell Park,  A live performance of “Arla Mae’s Booyah Wagon.”

Support The Dream Shop by Markella Smith at the FNA headquarters! This is a locally owned

and sourced gift shop right in the middle of the Northside helping all entrepreneurs achieve their dreams!!

  If you would like learn more or support The Dream Shop please use the link:    or PayPal to


Upcoming Events:

  • Board Meeting: Monday, September 13, 6:30-8 p.m.
  • Annual Meeting & Election Night: Monday, September 23, 6:30-8 p.m.


Find Us Online:  Contact Us: • 612643-1686

~ Stronger Together ~