This article was written by Amanda Dobbs
Residents in the Webber-Camden neighborhood have spent the summer organically organizing while sitting around backyard fires and doing grassroots community outreach by visiting local establishments, making connections, and listening to the concerns of the people. The Webber-Camden Neighborhood Organization (WCNO) board members were very much active in these efforts alongside their neighbors. With all the collaboration, “The First Annual Webber-Camden Community BBQ” was created.
This was truly a community effort, with volunteers from youth outreach organizations, service organizations, city employees from our amazing park system, youth volunteers, local businesses, and even businesses from other areas of the city pitched in to make this Northside celebration a success.
Why are potato sack races, a watermelon eating contest, and water balloon fights acts of resistance?
Unfortunately, so many children have been affected by the violence in our community that families no longer feel safe outside. People either leave our neighborhood to take their kids to the park or they just stay inside. There has definitely been a lack of children’s laughter on the block this year.
On July 16, at Webber Park, there were too many smiles to count. Our elders were the first ones at the BBQ and they were happily anticipating the feast that was being laid out by the Camden Lions. The grills were fired up and full of dogs and burgers! With Ken’s famous pulled pork and Herbivorous Butcher vegan brats, as well as many other delicious offerings, there was an option available for everyone — over 200 people were served! The crowd found places at the tables in the shade to eat and the music by Mikko Blaze entertained everyone. Little ones danced in the field, their faces painted as butterflies, kitties, and Spiderman. Then the potato sack races began!
It was a hot day but there were snow cones available from a local youth entrepreneur and the water balloon fight kept everyone cool!
This has been a tumultuous year for our youth. They deserve a vibrant community surrounded by encouraging neighbors. Every single act we do to support families and young people has a cascading effect on our entire community. Neighbors are already looking forward to Webber-Camden’s 2nd Annual Community BBQ.
Loud Shout Outs to the event host WCNO and to Maria Alhgren, Kenneth Frazier, Krystin Eldridge, Monica Colberg, Webber Mart, Camden Cycles, the Herbivorous Butcher, the Camden Lions, Project Jamar Saving Me, and all the volunteers that helped make this event happen! #NorthsidePride
It was a hot day but there were snow cones available from a local youth entrepreneur and the water balloon fight kept everyone cool!
This has been a tumultuous year for our youth. They deserve a vibrant community surrounded by encouraging neighbors. Every single act we do to support families and young people has a cascading effect on our entire community. Neighbors are already looking forward to Webber-Camden’s 2nd Annual Community BBQ.
Loud Shout Outs to the event host WCNO and to Maria Alhgren, Kenneth Frazier, Krystin Eldridge, Monica Colberg, Webber Mart, Camden Cycles, the Herbivorous Butcher, the Camden Lions, Project Jamar Saving Me, and all the volunteers that helped make this event happen! #NorthsidePride