Cleveland Neighborhood Association 3333 Penn Ave North (Door 11)
Community Safety- 1st Tuesday of each month @ 6:30 pm. Via Zoom until further notice. Be on the look out on our website and the official “ Cleveland Neighborhood Association” Facebook page for constant updates and links.
L.O.T.D- Please join us on August 12th @ 6pm. There will be live youth performances, Youth vendors, Food, prizes and more! Following with be the movie Jumanji at sundown.
Upcoming Events/ announcements
Be on the look out for more information on our Annual party/Dinner in October, Date to be discussed. Please contact us for a board application if you are interested in joining the board.
CNA is currently having a school supply drive. Collection dates are July 1st– Aug 6th, Mon-Thurs from Noon- 5pm. If you or anyone you know who would love to donate school supplies stop by and see us or give us a call. All supplies are needed, any donation is preferred.