The Upper Harbor Terminal (UHT) Draft Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) and Mitigation Plan was published in the Environmental Quality Board Monitor on May 25. The 30-day public comment period is open from May 25 to June 24.
View the City’s environmental review and info at www2.minneapolismn.gov/business-services/planning-zoning/environmental-assessments-worksheets/eaw-upper-harbor-terminal. Send comments by June 24 to Hilary Dvorak at hilary.dvorak@minneapolismn.gov.
The 2021 timeline for the AUAR is as follows: Spring – Scoping and Draft AUAR order; summer – Draft AUAR and mitigation plan; and fall – Final adoption of AUAR and mitigation plan
Upcoming UHT meetings include the Northside Green Zone Task Force Meeting on Tuesday, June 1 at 5 p.m. Meeting agenda and info will be posted on the NGZ page on the City’s website. To join the meeting call in +1 612-276-6670, conference ID: 757 806 449# This will give you access to listen to the audio of the meeting.
The UHT Collaborative Planning Committee (UHT CPC) Regular Meeting is on Wednesday, June 9 at 5 p.m. Meeting agenda and info will be posted on the UHT CPC page on the City’s website and on the UHT project website. To join the meeting call in +1 612-276-6670, conference ID: 974 492 775#. This will give you access to listen to the audio of the meeting.
There’s also a virtual open house about the Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) for the UHT project on Thursday June 10, 6-7 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to share information about the AUAR process and project schedule, answer questions from community members, and solicit input on the Draft AUAR and Mitigation Plan. Presentation followed by Q&A session
Visit the UHT project website event calendar or the City’s calendar of events for meeting info, including the link to join the virtual meeting. Visit the Environmental Review page on the UHT project website to view the Draft AUAR and Mitigation Plan and any virtual meeting materials. If you are not able to attend the online open house, a recording of the open house will be posted to the project website following the event.
For the latest UHT news, updates and engagement events visit upperharbormpls.com; follow the City on Facebook, Twitter and Nextdoor; sign up for the UHT email list; or contact john.louis@minneapolismn.gov or canderson@minneapolisparks.org.