Parks for All is a new draft comprehensive plan that will set Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) priorities and policy direction for the next decade.
With limited time left in the public comment period, the MPRB issued an addendum to the draft Parks for All. The addendum doesn’t substantially change anything in the plan, it fills in contextual information and clarifies and reframes four proposed strategies as guidelines.
The draft of Parks for All will be open for public comment until July 18. Until then, there are numerous ways to learn about the plan and send feedback. Go to minneapolisparks.org for info.
Minneapolis community members, park users, MPRB staff and partners are encouraged to review the plan and send feedback. Your input is welcome whether you have been deeply involved in the planning process over the past two years or if you are hearing about this for the first time! Following the public comment period, the draft plan will be revised based on public input and presented to MPRB Commissioners for review and approval. Share the Parks for All draft plan with your friends, family, neighbors or other networks at minneapolisparks.org/parksforalldraft or bit.ly/MPRBCompPlan