North Mississippi Regional Park encompasses 67 acres of land – including a mile of shoreline along the Mississippi River shoreline, part of Shingle Creek, numerous wooded areas, and 20 acres of restored prairie. That much nature can seem unfamiliar, overwhelming or even scary to many of us city-dwellers. After all, we spend most of our time indoors. When we do go outside, our surroundings are often dominated by pavement, buildings and cars, punctuated with lawns, some trees and an occasional flower bed.
That’s where Nature in the City comes in. It’s a new series of compelling, interactive exhibits that spark curiosity about the wilder side of life outdoors: plants and pollinators, crows and coyotes, running water and flying insects.
While the exhibits are indoors – at the park’s Kroening Interpretive Center – they’re designed to entice us humans to exit the building, connect with the natural world and explore it ourselves. “We’re excited to introduce these exhibits as we welcome the community back to the interpretive center after more than a year,” said MaryLynn Pulscher, manager of environmental education at the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB).
MPRB received funding from the State of Minnesota’s Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization and the City of Minneapolis to design and install Nature in the City.
Everyone’s welcome to get a first look at a ribbon-cutting celebration on Wednesday, June 30 at 2 p.m. at 4900 Mississippi Court, outside the interpretive center. Hear from local officials, tour the exhibit, enjoy refreshments – and check out the park’s new nature play areas as well!