The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board is offering new Neighborhood Day Camps this summer! Ten themed, all-day, weeklong camps are available throughout the summer for the low cost of $10 per child.
The camps are for youth ages 7-14. Camps are all one week each, Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. from June 21-Aug. 27. First camp runs June 21-25, last camp runs August 23-27. Camps rotate through Creekview, Farview, Folwell and North Commons Parks. Lunch is included. The camps offer summer fun through 10 different themes: Art Through Science; Cycling; Great Outdoors; Imagineers; Olympics Celebration; Sports Sampler; Summer Survivor; Theater; Wet & Wild; and”Wheel” Deal.
Go to https://apm.activecommunities.com/minneapolisparks/Activity_Search/neighborhood-day-camps/118450 to browse options and register. You can also share the camps with friends, family, neighbors or other networks using the link bit.ly/NMplsDayCamps (case-sensitive).
For more info, questions or scholarship requests, contact DayCamps@minneapolisparks.org or 612-230-6491.