Cleveland Neighborhood Association
3333 Penn Ave North
The Cleveland Neighborhood is a community that values diversity and inclusion. The neighborhood’s success depends upon its ability to provide a safe and nurturing environment for its families and children to grow.
Call for Gardeners! CNA wants to welcome people who are interested in a plot, or anyone who wants to chair the Greening Committee; contact us.
Community safety- 1st Tuesday of each month @ 6:30 p.m. via Zoom until further notice. Be on the look out on our website and official face book page for constant updates and links.
LOTD- June 10 Family Movie Night showing Black Panther; July 8 Frozen 2; with food trucks and ice cream for both nights.
CNA Board Meetings are the 4th Wednesday of every month via Zoom at 6:30 p.m. All links and updates will be posted on social media and our website.