Faster transit is coming to the Route 5 bus corridor. Construction of the Metro D Line bus rapid transit (BRT) project began in early April. The D Line will substantially replace Route 5 (Chicago-Fremont) with fast, frequent and all-day service.
This 18-mile line will connect neighborhoods and destinations in Brooklyn Center, Minneapolis, Richfield and Bloomington. Bus rapid transit brings better amenities, faster service and a more comfortable ride: Faster, more frequent service; pre-boarding fare payment for faster stops; neighborhood-scale stations with amenities; enhanced security; and larger, specialized vehicles.
Work on the City’s south side began in early April. Work on Emerson/Fremont and Lowry was expected to begin mid-April. Construction will include station platforms, new sidewalk, new pedestrian signals, utility work, and new street pavement.
The intersections will be partially closed starting April 15, with lane closures in place for up to four months. Lane shifts and construction materials were to arrive on April 15.
The 7th Street and Bryant Ave. construction includes station platforms, new sidewalk, new pedestrian signals, utility work and new street pavement. Also included will be removal of the median on Aldrich Ave., and construction of a single inlet/outlet on Aldrich to and from N. 7th St., traveling southbound. Work also includes reconstruction and realignment of the northern sidewalk adjacent to Aldrich, and installation of a new traffic signal at N. 7th St. Construction began on April 5 and will continue for up to three months, with lane closures in place. Concrete removals and storm sewer work have been completed. Concrete curb will be poured next week.
Fremont and Plymouth construction includes station platforms, new sidewalk, new pedestrian signals, utility work, and new street pavement. Construction began on April 8 and will continue for up to three months, with lane closures in place. Concrete removals have been completed. Crews will pour the concrete curbs over the next two weeks.
To get the latest changes in construction/traffic info visit metrotransit.org/d-line-project.