Parks for All is a new draft comprehensive plan that will set Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) priorities and policy direction for the next decade. A series of community virtual open houses is planned to get folks up to speed on the project, provide feedback on the draft plan and ask staff questions. Upcoming meetings are on Monday, April 26, 5-6 p.m.; Tuesday, May 18, 5-6 p.m.; and Thursday, June 24, 5-6 p.m. Visit minneapolisparks.org/parksforalldraft to get access to the meetings.
A draft of Parks for All will be open for public comment until July 18. Following the public comment period, the draft plan will be revised based on public input and presented to MPRB Commissioners for review and approval. Share the Parks for All draft plan with your friends, family, neighbors or other networks using minneapolisparks.org/parksforalldraft or bit.ly/MPRBCompPlan.
To learn more about this project and others, visit minneapolisparks.org/planning.