Upper Harbor Project update

As of March 11 the City has completed an initial round of engagement on the Upper Harbor Terminal project, and will return to share project updates and gather additional input in May.

The initial round of engagement included a community survey, interactive comment map, five virtual focus groups meetings, a live virtual open house, virtual office hours, and a range of promotional strategies.

A summary of initial engagement activities and what they heard from the community has been added to the project website, upperharbormpls.com. You can view a recording of the first virtual meeting and accompanying PDF presentation on the project website under the community engagement section.

You can also get/stay involved, share your thoughts on the interactive map, or take a tour of the website: use the interactive map to share how you would travel to the River and future park; or take a video tour of the Upper Harbor Terminal site created by Juxtaposition Arts.

Next steps: Progress this past year has been slow due to the COVID pandemic. Continuation of the next round of engagement on the Public Realm Infrastructure Project is due in May. Expect to see future communication updates soon.

Help spread the word by sharing this info with friends, family, co-workers and neighbors. Visit upperharbormpls.com.