Visit folwell.org for event info and updated details.
Make sure to join the FB Page for community engagement and access to resources.
Are you or someone you know interested in running for the Folwell Board of Directors? Interested candidates should email info@folwell.org for an application and/or for any questions about serving.
Monday, April 19, 6:30-8 p.m.
3701 Fremont Ave N – Outside
*Social distancing and masks are required
Please join us to vote and let your voices be heard to help elect the newest members of the FNA board!
Upcoming Events:
- Board Meeting/ Safety Update: Monday April 5, 6:30-8pm- Online
Neighborhood Gathering and Elections: Monday April 19, 6:30-8 p.m.
- Spring Cleaning Up: May 1-2
- Supply pick up at elections (details above) and on April 30 on 35th and Humboldt!
- Follow us on FB for updates
The Dream Shop Update!
Due to recent events at 3701 Fremont there has been a change of schedule – The Dream Shop by Markella Smith will still be joining us at the FNA headquarters in May 2021! This will be a locally owned and sourced gift shop right in the middle of the Northside!
Find us online: folwell.org Contact us: info@folwell.org • 612-643-1686
~ Stronger Together ~