The METRO Blue Line Project is looking for a route that does not use eight miles of freight railroad right of way as previously planned. Because of the shift away from freight railroad property, some of the project can remain the same, while other areas need to change. The map online (publiccoordinate.com/#/projects/BLRT/map) shows the three project areas and the options within those areas.
In Area 1 along West Broadway in Brooklyn Park, all engineering and station locations can be preserved from the former project route. In Area 2 in Crystal and Robbinsdale, the route can stay very close to the initial alignment by realigning to Bottineau Boulevard (County Road 81) to avoid freight rail property. Some previous project planning, design efforts and station information can be preserved. Area 3 in Minneapolis has the most change with new routes and station locations needing to be identified.
Dive in to each area to give your feedback at BlueLineExt.org. The interactive feedback map and survey will be open April 30. The map shows the following layers that you can toggle between: Area Map – all potential routes; Area 1 – West Broadway in Brooklyn Park; Area 2 – Bottineau Blvd/County Road 81; Area 3 – Lowry Avenue and West Broadway Route Options; and former Blue Line Extension Route. Metropolitan Council and Hennepin County are looking for your feedback on the following in Areas 1, 2, and 3: Identify locations where you have concerns; note opportunities you see with these routes; and identify desired station locations. You can also share additional input on the analysis for route solutions, prioritize project goals, and tell the project team what’s most important to you on this phase of the project.
For info and to view the full Initial Route Identification report, visit BlueLineExt.org.