The Capri’s Northside Cellphone Filmmakers course brings the full power of the cellphone camera to you and the stories you want to tell.
Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday course offerings are open to ages 18 and up beginning April 7. No previous knowledge or experience is required. Participants will learn new techniques, become comfortable with technology, share ideas, and create short projects of their own. Registration is open now at thecapritheater.org/northside-filmmakers.
“Cell phones have become the people’s camera. Why? Because many of us have access to them. So it makes sense to use the resources that are inherently around us, to remove the barriers of participation, and then have fun using creative city-making practices to engage our community,” said renowned filmmaker and course instructor E.G. Bailey.
Bailey is teaching the course together with two other distinguished local filmmakers, Sha Cage and D.A. Bullock. Cage is teaching her course on experimental short films starting April 7. Bailey will focus on personal mini-documentaries starting April 22, and Bullock’s course will concentrate on social justice documentaries beginning Saturday mornings in June.
“I am anxious to work with the next generation around social practice, political activism and filmmaking,” said Sha Cage. “The results will inevitably be a bright splash of honesty, truth, survival and Black Joy!”
To register and for more info on Northside Cellphone Filmmakers visit thecapritheater.org. Questions may be directed to project leaders through the online registration form at thecapritheater.org/northside-filmmakers.
This project is funded in part through a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.