The new year brings an exciting, new opportunity for Northsiders to tell their stories via the Northside Filmmakersproject, led by three celebrated local filmmakers, E.G. Bailey, D.A. Bullock and Sha Cage. The project is designed to develop a group of 50 cellphone filmmakers, providing participants with free cellphone video production and storytelling training and tools, creative support and network-building opportunities needed to amplify their voices, tell their stories effectively and distribute them widely.
The course, for beginning and intermediate filmmakers, will be offered for six weeks for approximately four hours per week this spring and summer (specific dates to be announced). Registration is open now to anyone age 18 or older – go to thecapritheater.org.
The Northside Filmmakersproject will be centered at the Capri, in the heart of the Northside community. “The new space will provide an extraordinary place for the filmmakers to collaborate, learn, screen and promote their work,” said James Scott, Director of the Capri and Project Director.
For more info on Northside Filmmakers and the teaching artists visit thecapritheater.org. This projectis funded through a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.
In other Capri news,watch for two new Capri-related videos to be released soon. On January 30, the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra will premiere the Northside Celebration video from the collaborative concerts presented at North High and the Ordway in 2020. Dennis Spears, Capri Artistic Associate, is featured.
February 5 marks the release of the music video Love Can Heal the World, written and performed by Jason Peterson DeLaire and featuring the Steele family, the Peterson family, and Capri Glee! Community Choir members, among many other stellar musicians. Links to both videos will be available upon release at thecapritheater.org and the Capri’s Facebook page.
Updates on Capri construction and more information on renting space at the new Capri is available at thecapritheater.org or contact Kevin West at 612-643-2039 or kwest@pcyc-mpls.org.