On November 9 the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) published a draft of Parks for All, the MPRB 2021 Comprehensive Plan. Parks for All is a new comprehensive plan that will set MPRB priorities and policy direction for the next decade. Minneapolis community members, park users, MPRB staff and partners are encouraged to review the plan and send feedback during a 70-day public comment period that ends January 18.
Following the public comment period, the draft plan will be revised based on public input and presented to MPRB Commissioners for review and approval. Use the link below to view the draft Parks for All plan, give feedback on it, and learn more about the processes and input used to create it.
Share the Parks for All draft plan with your friends, family, neighbors or other networks using minneapolisparks.org/parksforalldraft or bit.ly/MPRBCompPlan.
The Executive Draft Summary and feedback survey have been translated into Hmong, Somali and Spanish at the page linked above. Printed copies available upon request.