
You are invited to the Webber-Camden Neighborhood Organization’s Annual Meeting on Thursday, November 12 at 6:30 p.m., via Zoom.

The meeting will include elections for six board seats, a community vote on new organization by-laws, and more. Board seats are open to Webber-Camden residents, business owners, or operators of community organizations–please consider running!

Visit wcno.org for information on running for a board seat, information on the candidates, how to cast your vote (there are multiple options), and accessing the Zoom meeting. There, you’ll also find our current by-laws and the new draft by-laws. All meeting information will be also shared on Facebook, and be accessible in print versions.

Email info@wcno.org or call 612-521-2100 with any questions, and see you on November 12 at 6:30 p.m.!

1206 37th Avenue North





Don’t forget—we continue to be community together during this challenging time!