Capri construction and programming Update

The Capri construction finish line is clearly in sight as final touches throughout the building are completed in November and December. 

Painting is nearly done, as is the tile work in the larger restrooms and expanded lobbies.  Cabinets are being installed in classrooms, booths and conference rooms; doors are being hung; the concrete pours for the upper and lower plazas are done, and the beautiful landscaping that wraps around the exterior has been planted. The last major piece of the expansion and renovation, the new Capri marquee, re-positioned to the middle section of the building, will be in place in time to light up West Broadway for the holidays.   

While plans for a fall soft opening have been delayed, Capri staff members continue to consider ways to introduce the Capri safely in the new year, including virtual and small, in-person, physically distanced tours. More specific planning for programming has begun as well.  Watch for some exciting news about Legends @ the Capriin the coming weeks; stay tuned for ideas and plans for foundational programs like Camp Capri, CAST and Capri Glee!this winter, and please join in our hopes for a spectacular grand opening next summer.

More info on renting space at the new Capri is online at, or contact Kevin West at 612-643-2039 or  Capri exterior construction can be viewed in progress, live, at any time at