*SCNA Create a Community Zoom Meetings, Third Wednesdays 6-7:30 p.m.
Where Shingle Creek residents are meeting, and getting to meet each other, to learn about topics, discuss them, grow and stay connected! The meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of the month via Zoom. Register at our website or contact us to join in the fun!
International Non-Violence Day, October 2
Join us at the Ponds for an outdoor concert to celebrate International Non-Violence Day.
Litter Be Gone, October 3
Volunteer with your family, friends, and neighbors to clean up litter from Minneapolis streets and boulevards before it becomes covered by leaves and snow. Show your community pride and feel good knowing that you are improving your neighborhood and preventing litter from ending up in our storm drains and waterways. Supplies can be picked up at Creekview Community Center.
SCNA Summer Fun Give Away
We all know what a year 2020 has become. We are learning a new normal. For some, that adjustment has been easier than for others. Undeniably the group most affected by COVID-19 has been the youth in Shingle Creek. They have had to adjust to learning from home, not seeing their friends and their summer was also altered. Many summer activities were closed or cancelled. On July 3, 26 families received summer fun bags filled with games for the whole family. If you are a Shingle Creek resident and missed the distribution date and would like a summer fun bag, contact Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association at shinglecreekmpls.org and arrangements can be made to get one to your family.
*SCNA October Neighborhood and Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 13 6:30-8 p.m. Online Zoom Meeting
Register at our website to attend! This month we invite residents to attend and vote at our SCNA Neighborhood Meeting where we will be discussing local topics and ideas to help us better be help the community. For full details see our website.
The Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association is our local place-based neighborhood 501c3 nonprofit working to improve our neighborhood and community. Thank you for your patience as we look to work through these challenging times together.
Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association
PO Box 15656, Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: 612-524-9632
Website: shinglecreekmpls.org
Email: mpls.scna@gmail.com
*All meetings are open to the public *All residents are encouraged to attend.
All reasonable special requests and accommodations (interpreter, ASL, etc.) will be provided, please contact SCNA staff seven days prior to meeting.