This article was written by Dan Lynch
Let’s talk about our neighborhood. The footprint which is the area the Camden Community News covers is the Camden Community — boundaries are Brooklyn Center on the north, Robbinsdale to the west, Lowery Ave on the south the Mississippi on the east. The Camden News is mailed free to the homes in this area. Before the COVD 19 pandemic we also delivered the Camden News to businesses in and around our area – we hope to do that again.
We have a statue of Abe Lincoln, 16th President of the United States. It’s tucked in the northwest corner of what is the 100-year-old memorial to World War 1 veterans. Our eastern area (on the west side of the Mississippi) is part of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area. Most of our homes are highly regarded assets. Our schools have been serving us for many years. Education is the great equalizer. We have been striving for years to create equal opportunities for everyone. We all agree there is much more to accomplish in this area.
If I want to boil things down quickly, the Beatles hit it out of the park. “All you need is love” with some help from some friends. We all have skin in the game, to think about what we’re doing to save life as we know it on earth. Stop the violence, and listen to what each of us is saying will always help.
My intent here is to stir up dialog of where/who we are as a group in North Minneapolis. We can take what is here. Open up where we want to go. The bible says all the good deeds are meaningless without love in your heart. For me, love and concerns are the highest goals of the Camden News.