The City of Minneapolis is beginning to change its zoning rules to match the development guidelines that the City Council already approved with the Minneapolis 2040 plan. This technical process will take several years and will include updating the zoning classification of every property (residential, commercial, etc.) in the City to match Minneapolis 2040.
The plan guides growth and change with 14 goals in mind including eliminating racial disparities, slowing climate change, and increasing access to jobs and housing.
The public comment period for the Minneapolis 2040 plan has gone into effect and will stay open until October 19. There will also be three virtual open houses (TBA) with the goal of updating the Minneapolis zoning code to reach Minneapolis 2040 goals.
The City encourages you to comment online and/or attend the virtual meetings to address any concerns that you may have. For info go to minneapolis2040.com, and go to the public commenting page minneapolis2040.com/implementation/built-form-rezoning-study#Comment.