Minneapolis residents are invited to take part in Litter Be Gone, an annual litter cleanup event happening October 1–10. Volunteers will pick up litter from their neighborhood streets and sidewalks before it becomes covered by leaves and snow and prevent it from ending up in storm drains and waterways.
Volunteers can join in this citywide effort while staying safe and socially distanced. Litter Be Gone encourages individuals, families, and small groups of neighbors to clean up their own blocks anytime during this 10-day event.
It’s easy to participate. Volunteers need only a pair of gloves and some plastic bags for collecting littered trash and recyclables. Volunteers can use their own supplies or pick up free gloves and bags at a Litter Be Gone supply hub on Saturday, October 3 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. A limited number of litter grabbers and free drink coupons from local sponsors will also be available at the supply hubs; various Camden area neighborhood associations are participating. See pages 8 and 9 and visit LitterBeGone.org/supply-hubs for locations and details.
See the community-wide impact. Volunteers are asked to share their results (the number of volunteers, bags, and blocks cleaned) at LitterBeGone.org. Volunteers can also post results and share photos on social media to inspire others. Use the tags @LitterBeGoneMN #cleanMpls.
Earn a free gift. Chinook Book is generously providing a 12-month app subscription to all Litter Be Gone volunteers. Participants must submit their results through the Litter Be Gone website to receive a digital activation code.
For more info visit LitterBeGone.org and follow @LitterBeGoneMN on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Litter Be Gone is coordinated by the Alliance for Sustainability in partnership with the City of Minneapolis and its Clean City program. Additional citywide support comes from Xcel Energy, Chinook Book, Adopt-a-Drain, Wings Financial Credit Union and AlphaGraphics.