Folwell Neighborhood Association (FNA)
Until further notice, FNA events will be outside (please wear masks and stay 6 feet apart) or virtual. Visit folwell.org for event info and updated details.
Make sure to join the FB group for community engagement and access to resources.
Upcoming Events:
- Pumpkin Give-Away: Friday, Oct. 2, 7 p.m. – Story Garden at 35th and Humboldt. Candy, Bonfire, and a movie! Find out more folwell.org.
- Clean Sweep: Sat.-Sun., Oct. 3-4, on your own time. Supplies will be available at the Story Garden. Details at folwell.org. Pumpkins may still be available!
- Board Meeting: Monday, Oct. 5, 6:30-8 p.m. – Folwell Park Patio
Please bring a chair and try to wear a mask.
- Neighborhood Night: Monday, Oct. 19, 6:30-8 p.m. – Folwell Park Patio. Please bring a chair and try to wear a mask.
- Safety Workshop: Saturday, Oct. 24, 3701 Fremont – Save the date! Get details on our FB page, website calendar, sign up for the neighborhood email or contact our lead connector at chuck@folwell.org.
Folwell has an emergency response plan in place to ensure neighbors are cared for.
If you are in need of resources or supplies, fill out the request form online. If you are able to donate non-perishables, water, toilet paper and other resources, fill out the Volunteer form online. All financial donations can be received at folwell.org.
Find us online: folwell.org Contact us: info@folwell.org • 612-643-1686
~ Stronger Together ~