Victory is a neighborhood building community through inclusion, fairness and wellness, achieved through communication, outreach and engagement.
ViNA is at risk to lose funding through the City of Minneapolis Neighborhoods 2020 Budget Proposal
Neighbor, do you shop the Victory Garage Sale? Bring your kids to the Ice Cream Social? Does your neighbor rely on the Victory Youth Corps for mowing, raking and shoveling? Have you utilized us for Down Payment Assistance, Home Improvement Rebate or received a Business Matching Grant? ViNA is a nonprofit neighborhood organization that represents the residents and property owners in the Victory Neighborhood. The City of Minneapolis is proposing significant changes to how it supports neighborhood organizations, including severely reducing funding that helps us provide programs and services valued by our community. You can learn more about how that impacts you and how to comment on the Neighborhoods 2020 plan at www2.minneapolismn.gov/ncr/2020.
We appreciate your help in making Victory voices heard. The city is taking public comments until September 30.
ViNA has acquired a Community Food Garden
Through the City of Minneapolis Garden Lease Program, we have a community food garden for Victory residents to grow food on who primarily don’t have access to land. We are seeking volunteers to help maintain this garden and to reach residents who would be interested in a plot for fall harvest. This is a great space for community building. Please visit our website to sign up or reach out to vinacommunitygarden@gmail.com.
Anti-Racism Discussion 2 Topic, Microaggressions. August 25 from 7-8:30 p.m. This will be our second discussion and is part of a series. These discussions are intended for Victory residents and will take place via an online platform. These discussions are facilitated, interactive and include small group activities. Please register through our Facebook event link or by emailing info@victoryneighborhood.org.
National Night Out. The Minneapolis recommended National Night Out date for 2020 is Tuesday, September 15. Residents can find out if their block is already signed up by emailing crime.prevention@minneapolismn.gov.
Annual Meeting and Board Elections. Victory Neighborhood Annual Meeting is September 23, 2020. We are also looking for new Board Members to join ViNA. Board members will be elected at the annual meeting. More information to come soon.
To stay up to date, please find us at victoryneighborhood.org facebook.com/VictoryNeighborhood/
Please contact us at info@victoryneighborhood.org or call us at 612-529-9558