National Night Out is September 15 Residents can check to see if their block has an event scheduled

National Night Out is an annual nationwide event that encourages residents to get out in the community, hold block parties and get to know their neighbors to prevent crime. It’s a great way to promote community-police partnerships and enjoy a nice evening surrounded by friends and family.

Minneapolis National Night Out is typically the first Tuesday in August – but due to the corona pandemic it’s been rescheduled for Tuesday, September 15. Residents can find out if their block is already signed up by emailing Registered block leaders received notices about closing their streets to hold their event, but a block without a block leader could still hold a COVID-19 safe event by spreading out across three or four yards to make enough space for physical distancing.

A safe event during a pandemic follows guidelines from the Minneapolis Health Department, Minnesota Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Events are outdoors; people keep their masks on when they’re not eating or drinking; people keep at least 6 feet from others not in their household; and households bring their own food, beverages, utensils, tables and chairs.

Find out more about National Night Out at