The following article was written by community member Susan Curnow Breedlove with information obtained through a phone interview with Henry High’s Principal Yusuf Abdullah.
We are teaching and learning online for at least the first quarter of the 2020-21 school year. School begins for students on Tuesday, September 8, the day after Labor Day. Despite the challenges we are facing as a school, as a city, as a nation and internationally, we will work together, collaborating optimistically on how to best educate Henry High students during the COVID-19 pandemic while addressing racial and economic inequities. Henry staff will be addressing these challenges with a student-centered approach, always leading with students first in mind.
We are currently reaching out to families to see who needs laptops (Chromebooks) and Internet access. Our support staff will continue checking in with families regarding the time and space available for successful on-line learning. The Minneapolis Public School District (MPS) will hand out technology devices to students upon request.
There will be an in-person open house, a “Welcome Back to Henry High School” event, at Henry during the first week of September. The finalized date and time will be on the Henry website, on Henry’s Facebook site, and shared through a robo call. At the welcome back event each student will receive: their schedule; kits from several of the classes such as art, physical education, health and music, and individual academic departments will provide books, and other materials if needed; and a list of resources. Students will also receive MPS Laptops, if they do not already have one. If a student has not completed registration by the time of the open house event, they will be assisted by Henry staff. Come and meet some of the Henry staff on this evening. Be sure to wear a mask. We will be practicing social distancing.
There are five phases that Henry High will move through during the coronavirus pandemic as directed by MPS and the state of Minnesota. Phase 1 provides distance learning only with no access to school buildings. With Phase 2, all learning is done through distance learning, but students will be provided with supports such as tutoring, technology and mental health care at certain school buildings. During Phases 3 to 5, students will begin to attend school buildings again to increasing degrees and with the appropriate health and safety practices in place on buses and in classrooms, cafeterias, gyms, athletic fields, playgrounds and other school spaces.
Throughout this process Henry High staff will look at each individual student to determine how to best meet his/her needs, focusing on ways that individuals and technology can create a positive and productive academic climate while connecting with families. There will be some opportunities for school staff to meet with students in person at our building. Details are being worked out at this time. Letter grades will be issued; however, No Credit will replace the F. A “No Credit” on a student’s transcript does less harm because it does not lower the GPA. Teachers are being directed to provide weekly feedback on student progress.
Looking at the total student, we must consider the emotional and social needs as well as academic needs of each individual. Henry staff are exploring ways to connect students to each other and ways to communicate towards the goal of creating a Henry family. There will be common virtual places for the whole school to interact with each other. Henry High has the reputation of being a high school with a phenomenal number of clubs and interest groups. Clubs will be active on-line. We are exploring avenues with community partners to provide virtual “after-school activities.” As you may already know, football and volleyball sports teams will be postponed until Spring. Girls tennis, swimming, cross-country and soccer teams started meeting on August 17. Contact Athletic Director Mr. Ken Maxey (Kenneth.Maxey@mpls.k12.mn.us) for further information regarding sports topics.
You are invited to participate in the Henry Booster’s Club, an organization designed for parents, guardians and community members to financially and socially support Henry High, especially student group activities that meet after school. The Henry Boosters meet in-person every third Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at Faith Baptist Church, 4350 Russell Avenue North. The group socially distances, usually gathering in the basement. Be sure to bring your mask. Their email address is HenryBoosters@gmail.com.
To donate funds, consider going through AchieveMpls (achievempls.org/give) which can use the money flexibly to directly support students and schools.
Food distribution for students will continue. To find pickup locations, dates and times go to nutritionservices.mpls.k12.mn.us/food_pickup_locations.html.