Folwell Neighborhood Association (FNA)
Physical Social Distancing is a priority of the FNA while we navigate the uncharted reality of the Coronavirus.
Until further notice, FNA events will be outside (please wear masks and stay 6 feet apart) or virtual. Visit folwell.org for event info and updated details.
Make sure to join the FB group for community engagement and access to resources.
Upcoming Events:
- National Night Out: Tuesday, Sept. 15, 6-9 p.m. – on your Block
*** Note about National Night Out: You can block your street off either day to allow for Social Distancing guidelines and folks comfortability around Coronavirus. Please amend plans for no contact and visit folwell.org for helpful hints in planning during a pandemic.***
- Annual Gathering and Neighborhood Elections: Monday, Sept. 21, 6-8 p.m. at 3701 Fremont Ave N
***Interested in joining the board? Hearing about all the work the FNA does? Want to help build a stronger and more connected community? Join us at our yearly celebration!***
Folwell has an emergency response plan in place to ensure neighbors are cared for.
If you are in need of resources or supplies, fill out the request form online. If you are able to donate non-perishables, water, toilet paper and other resources, fill out the volunteer form online. All financial donations can be received at folwell.org.
Find us online: folwell.org Contact us: info@folwell.org • 612-643-1686
~ Stronger Together ~