Minneapolis City board and commission members help shape key policy decisions, give community-based input into the City’s administration of services and supply valuable insights. You can have a say in it all by actually being a part of it.
Twenty-four City boards and commissions have openings for appointments this fall; applications are open. The positions are open until filled; application review begins September 30. The City seeks applicants with a diverse backgrounds and experiences representing the demographics of Minneapolis to strengthen the work of the City. Translation and interpreting services are available so all residents can participate. Find all info at minneapolismn.gov/boards/openings.
The City also has more than 50 volunteer-based boards, commissions and advisory committees that advise the City on issues and help develop policy and administer services. Boards and commissions fall into a handful of categories: appeal boards, development boards, general advisory boards and special service districts (defined areas within the city with special services). The actual openings are wide open.
Appointments to boards and commissions are made twice a year, in the spring and fall. Find info at 612-673-2216 or openappointments@minneapolismn.gov.