At the end of July the Minneapolis City Council approved Mayor Jacob Frey’s revised 2020 City budget proposal that addresses roughly $156 million in projected revenue losses because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Mayor and City Council have trimmed the budget through a combination of spending freezes, use of cash reserves, program cuts and employee furloughs. The revised City budget is $1.5 billion.
The first phase of the response to the economic impact of the pandemic included spending and hiring freezes that saved $58 million. The revised budget plan adopted includes plans to offset $100 million in additional revenue losses.
As part of the Council’s budget markup process, $1.1 million has been shifted from the Minneapolis Police Department to the Health Department for violence prevention efforts. In addition, the City added $100,000 to the budget to support initial community engagement in the co-creation of a vision for a permanent memorial for George Floyd.
Learn more about the City budget at minneapolismn.gov/budget.