
Victory is a neighborhood building community through inclusion, fairness, and wellness, achieved through communication, outreach and engagement.

A Message from Our Board

Victory Neighborhood Association is committed to our mission of building community through inclusion, fairness, and wellness which is achieved through communication, outreach and engagement. 

With inclusion as one of our community values, ensuring that all Victory neighborhood residents feel a sense of belonging and safety in our community is important to us.  We are aware not everyone feels welcome or safe in our neighborhood and this must change. 

The murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police has greatly impacted our world and has brought to the forefront once again the need to end racism and profiling in all its forms in this neighborhood. We have witnessed many different conversations and have heard requests for change from community members. Victory Neighborhood Association understands its role in ensuring it is meeting the needs of Victory residents. We are listening, and we are responding. We are doing our own self-reflection and having difficult conversations about our role in dismantling racism. We are now asking that this community do the same.

Beginning in July 2020, Victory Neighborhood Association will begin an anti-racism initiative by hosting facilitated, ongoing discussions for residents to explore difficult topics that impact our Victory neighborhood. This anti-racism initiative builds off the microaggression workshop provided in 2018 with engaging discussions that will be done in an online platform and or social distancing in-person format. 

The Board commits to fully participating in these conversations and using the insights gained to make decisions that increase equity and inclusion in this neighborhood. Please join us in these difficult and necessary conversations. Your participation is important. We will communicate discussion dates, topics and times publicly utilizing our various platforms.

Neighborhoods 2020 and Neighborhood Associations Funding:

Changes to neighborhood association funding are being proposed. Your voice is needed.The draft plan to restructure neighborhood program guidelines and funding has extended its public comment period until September 30, 2020. We encourage residents to share their voice with the City of Minneapolis regarding the draft proposals and the impact neighborhood funding has on the community. With the new proposals, services ViNA has provided the neighborhood in the past may change. For more information please visit  To provide comment, please email or call 612-673-3737

Upcoming Events:

Anti-Racism Facilitated Discussion August 12, at 7 p.m. This will take place online.

ViNA’s Annual Garage Sale has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing orders.

To stay up to date, please find us at                          

Please contact us at  or call us at 612-529-9558