The Minneapolis Park and Rec Board (MPRB) is seeking input on draft park program and concepts, public art master plan and more for the Upper Harbor Terminal Project (UHT CPC). Find materials in one place on the website, take an online survey, share your thoughts and pass the word around.
They are not asking for people to pick a concept, but are seeking input on the draft designs and what people like, do not like, feel is missing, etc. Although a few graphics are embedded in the survey, they advise that you watch the video first. The survey focuses on a few key questions and does not contain full information. The City’s Collaborative Planning Committee regarding the UHT CPC online meetings are continuing. The last online meeting was on July 22.
Meeting information (including a link to agenda and meeting materials) are hyperlinked and will be posted on the City’s Boards and Commissions calendar. Meeting info, agenda and materials are also posted on the Collaborative Planning Committee page on the Upper Harbor project website.
The next MPRB virtual meeting is tentatively planned for Thursday, August 13. Watch for future notices to confirm this meeting. For questions contact Kate Lamers at klamers@minneapolisparks.org or 612-499-0260.
The Draft Park Concepts and online survey remain available; further discussion developing and more materials will be added. You can also watch online video and find presentation slides.
While the draft concepts largely focus on the possible physical layout of the key park experiences that they have heard requested, the discussion of how this park supports Northside community members is much larger. Watch for upcoming engagement opportunities.
Stay Informed! Link to MPRB Draft Park Concepts and materials at upperharbormpls.com/draft-park-concepts. For the latest Upper Harbor news, updates and engagement events visit upperharbormpls.com; follow the City of Minneapolis on Facebook, Twitter and Nextdoor; and sign up for the UHT email subscription list.