The City Council’s Budget Committee will hold two public hearings in July on proposed revisions to the City’s 2020 budget.
The City faces a significant revenue shortfall as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and needs to make cuts to the City’s roughly $1.5 billion budget.
Mayor Jacob Frey will brief the City Council’s Policy & Government Oversight (POGO) Committee on a revised 2020 budget July 9 and staff will present the revised budget to City Council July 10.
The public can then engage and share their voices in this process during two online public hearings: 6:05 p.m. Tuesday, July 14; and 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 22.
You can watch or participate in the online meetings.
The City Council is scheduled to vote July 24 on a revised 2020 budget. For more info about the City’s budget, visit minneapolismn.gov/budget.