To help keep voters safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, 50 Minneapolis polling places are moving for the 2020 primary on August 11 and the general election on November 3. The changes will help protect people living in residential facilities and provide more space to keep voters a safe distance from elections staff and each other.
Of the 50 polling places being relocated, 16 were in senior homes, high-rises and other residential sites. Another 32 were in areas with limited space that would make it difficult for people to keep at least 6 feet from others inside. Two were moved due to on-site construction.
Minneapolis Elections & Voter Services partnered with Minneapolis Public Schools and the Minneapolis Park & Recreation board to find new locations for voting during the pandemic. In total, 94 buildings will be open for the August 11 primary and November 3 general elections, with 35 in schools and 22 in park buildings. Some buildings will have more than one voting precinct.
If you’re already registered to vote you will receive a postcard in the mail indicating your new polling locations. The Minnesota Secretary of State’s polling place finder can also provide voters their new polling places. These locations will be the same for the Aug. 11 primary and Nov. 3 general elections. All voters choosing to vote in person on Election Day should check the online polling place finder or call 311 to verify their polling place. Find your polling place at vote.minneapolismn.gov/voters/where-to-vote.
For those going to the polls on Election Day, we will have COVID-19 protocols in place to provide a safe and healthy environment for all voters and election judges. The polling place protocols follow best practices from the Minnesota Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Additionally, the protocols follow Emergency Regulation 2020-12, which requires people in Minneapolis to wear a cloth face covering when they are in an indoor public space.