In the July issue of Camden News we reported that construction on a new pump track and bike skills trail was planned for Perkins Hill Park. It was scheduled to be ready for adventurists this fall. That construction has now been delayed until 2021 due to insufficient construction bids.
The Perkins Hill Pump Track and Bike Skills Trail plan includes a pump track for skates, bicycles, scooters and gliders and a natural-surface mountain-bike skills trail that will be the first facility of this kind in the Minneapolis park system.
Sometimes referred to as an “all-wheel park” or “bike training course,” a pump track features circuits of banked turns, mounds and other features that can be used by people of all ages and abilities with any type of bike, scooter or skateboard. While novices use them to build skills, pump tracks are also a challenging workout for advanced riders, who skip pedaling and maintain momentum with upper- and lower-body pumping motions.
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) of Commissioners approved the project concept plan for the pump track and skills course on May 20. In June, MPRB staff requested bids from qualified contractors to build the project. Unfortunately, only one qualifying bid was submitted and it was over the project budget. Ideally, the MPRB prefers to see multiple bids for a project to ensure that all qualified contractors are provided an opportunity and budgeting is competitive.
This year has been incredibly busy for the construction industry and the MPRB believes re-bidding the project when more contractors are available will greatly improve the results. The project will go back out for bids later this year with construction anticipated in 2021.