We last published an update on the 2020 Census in the April Camden Community News. At that time, the Coronavirus positive cases in Minnesota were only 2,000, but already our lives were changing to manage the threats posed by the virus. The Census Bureau was also making changes: Census workers were not going to make home visits in the community in May as planned.
The Census Bureau is now getting ready to resume their work in the near future. For each address, there needs to be a count of people. The easiest process if you have access to a computer is to fill out the information online. If that isn’t possible, you can call toll-free to 1-844-330-2020 and complete the questionnaire by phone. Here is the information needed.
- How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment, or mobile home on April 1, 2020?
- Were there any additional people staying here on April 1, 2020, that you did not include in Question 1?
- Is this house, apartment, or mobile home rented, owned with a mortgage, owned by you or someone in this household, or living without payments?
- What is your telephone number?
- Provide the name, sex/gender, age and date of birth, and race of the person paying the rent or mortgage [Person #1], followed by all people living at this location with the additional information about whether this person usually lives or stays somewhere else, and how this person is related to Person #1.
The number of people in each state, county and city determines the amount of federal funds allocated for health care, transportation, school lunches, public services and more. Your numbers count. I challenge you to get your Census information completed, and know that you are helping to #shapeyourfuture.
If you prefer, a Census worker will come to your home in the next 6-8 weeks. With positive Coronavirus cases above 44,000 on July 20, please wear a mask to protect yourself, and the worker will wear a mask as well. And always ask for identification – each Census worker will have an ID card as well as a laptop issued by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Be safe and be positive.