The Minneapolis Charter Commission is seeking public comments on a proposed amendment to the City Charter related to the future of public safety. The Commission held a public hearing on July 15, but you can submit comments online.
The proposed amendment, submitted by the City Council, proposes removing the Police Department from the charter and adding a new Community Safety & Violence Prevention Department. Under State law, the Charter Commission is required to review and submit its recommendation(s) on the proposed amendment before a ballot question can be presented to voters.
The charter change would need to be approved by voters. To make it on the November ballot, it must first be reviewed by the Charter Commission and approved by the City Council. There is an August 21 deadline for submitting items to the ballot.
Ways to comment: Use the online public comment form at minneapolismn.gov or call 311 for help. Email councilcomment@minneapolismn.gov. Or mail comments to Minneapolis Charter Commission, City Hall – Room 304, 350 South Fifth St., Minneapolis, MN 55415.