Zoom sing this spring! with J.D. and Fred Steele

Be adventurous. Give the Capri Glee! Zoom Choir a whirl!  Rehearsals run on Tuesdays from 7-8 p.m., May 19 to June 23, online via Zoom.  J.D. Steele directs the choir, with his brother Fred Steele on piano. The rehearsals are free, but registration is required in advance of each session at thecapritheater.org.

The Capri Glee! choir program began in February, 2015 and has been going and growing strong since, from approximately 30 voices to start, to between 70 and 100 registered singers each term for the past two years. 

As for all choirs, so much of the Capri Glee! experience is about singing and being “together.” We know this Zoom session will be a very different experience in comparison to that norm. But Capri Glee!singers – new and returning – long to be connected in some way right now, so we’re going to give this a go and have some fun, “together.”

How will this work? Well, it’s not going to be like singing together in the same room, but you will be singing, sharing and connecting via Zoom.

J.D. will teach parts and Fred will be on piano, you’ll watch and listen for direction, your Zoom mic will be on mute — and when J.D. says so, off we’ll all go, singing (with gusto, we hope) from our own homes. You’ll be able to see other singers, but you won’t hear them — so it’ll be a little more like singing alone with the car radio or with your headset on.

J.D. and Fred have also done some rehearsal videos that people can watch and sing with at their leisure. Their latest video will give you an idea of what it will be like to sing with the Capri Glee! Zoom Choir on Tuesdays: youtube/kRqfW2LJ4fk.  

We look forward to zinging with you this spring! Join us.