Capri programming and construction update

The Capri Theater continues to adjust its schedule as we work together to help safely adjust the dials on the pandemic. 

Here are the latest updates: Summer Camp Capri – cancelled 2020 Summer Session; Capri Fall Programming and Capri Opening – to be announced; and  Capri Glee! Choir moved online for the spring session – Capri Glee! Zoom Choir, 7-8 p.m. Tuesdays, May 19 to June 23 (free, but registration is required at

Any further changes will be posted on the Capri website and Capri Facebook page as soon as decisions are made. 

Meanwhile, as of this writing, construction on the Capri construction continues apace! The first and second floors are poured. Second floor framing is almost complete and the first floor is well on its way. Drywall installation has begun, catwalks are installed and excavation for exterior stairs and plaza footings has begun. The Capri extends hearty, heart-felt thanks to our contractor D.J. Krantz and all the construction workers.

Remember, you can watch Capri exterior construction in progress, live at any time at  Also, remember that the Capri team is working on gathering historical memorabilia and stories for the new website, and for prosperity. Contact Gregory Graham at if you have info to share. Be sure to check out the Capri’s new video library, too, at