
Due to a transition with our Executive Director and the uncertainty with COVID-19, please bear with us as we stay on top of communication.

All WCNO office, hours, community gatherings, and in-person board meetings are canceled until further notice. We hope to make our May meeting accessible via Zoom—check Facebook for details. You can always review meeting agendas and minutes through our website.

If you’d like to assist in WCNO’s COVID-19 response, please reach out via phone, email or Facebook. All community members are welcome—we need your help!

If you are in need of specific assistance, reach out via the methods below, and we will do our best to connect you with resources.

Don’t forget—we continue to be community together during this challenging time!

1206 37th Avenue North


Email: info@wcno.org

Website: wcno.org

Facebook: https://facebook.com/webbercamden