Our Northside was hit by a tornado on May 22, 2011. If you lived here you experienced it – it was scary – it was devastating. The National Weather Service ranked the strength of that tornado as an “EF1 Tornado” with winds between 86 to 110 miles per hour. It did horrendous damage to our Camden Community.
In light of that, a reminder is relevant. We are all currently concerned with the implications of the COVID-19 virus, but we must also be concerned with – and plan for – severe weather on the Northside this spring and summer.
According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota experiences about 30 tornadoes per year. Emergency management officials encourage households and businesses to practice what they’d do to stay safe if a tornado or severe weather strikes.
No matter where you live, work or play in our Camden Community you can always get weather alerts via TV or radio, and you can also be aware of any imminent weather danger with email or text notices. People with disabilities, access or functional needs should check specific info about how to prepare for storm season and other emergencies. For all info check ci.minneapoils.mn.us/emergency.
What to do if severe weather is approaching:
• Turn to local TV, radio or weather channel for updates on alerts and warnings.
• Listen for sirens that are activated in case of imminent danger.
• If a warning has been issued or weather sirens sound, people should take shelter. At home, people should go to the basement or an inner stairwell. If people are outside doing essential tasks, they should go to the designated shelter or a central area away from windows. They should not use elevators.
• When a warning is in effect during the pandemic, the need to take shelter is more important than physical distancing.
• Everyone should stay sheltered until the all-clear signal has been issued.
Find more info about emergency preparedness from the Minneapolis Office of Emergency Management at ci.minneapoils.mn.us/emergency.