The public comment period for the Neighborhoods 2020 draft program guidelines on neighborhood programming and funding to support the City’s 70 neighborhood organizations in 2021 and beyond has been extended to July 15, 2020.
Neighborhoods 2020 is a plan to continue funding Minneapolis neighborhood organizations when the existing funding source ends, and a process to identify expectations for the work they do. The draft program guidelines are the outcome of a City Council direction that staff work with a consultant to continue conversations with neighborhoods and the community on program guidelines for the Neighborhoods 2020 framework.
The City has extended the comment period on the guidelines to give people more time to review and provide feedback as we face the COVID-19 crisis. The draft program guidelines follow the vision to preserve Minneapolis’ neighborhood organizations and create equitable communities in which all people are valued, communities are engaged and leadership mirrors the diversity of the city.
During the extended public comment period, Neighborhood and Community Relations staff will expand outreach and hold virtual public meetings. The last one was held April 2. The meeting was recorded and is available at minneapolismn.gov/neighborhoods2020.
So have your say – comments must be received by 11:59 p.m., July 15. There are several ways to submit comments:
• Email: Neighborhoods2020@minneapolismn.gov
• Phone: 612-673-3737
• Text messaging and voicemail: English: 612-518-8743, Español: 612-404-2978, Hmoob: 612-367-6548, Soomaaliga: 612-404-2978
• Mail to: Neighborhood and Community Relations, 105 Fifth Avenue South, Suite 425, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401
Next steps: The guidelines are expected to go before the City Council for review in mid-August. Find more info on Neighborhoods 2020 at ci.minneapolis.mn.us/ncr/2020.