Census update – still time to be counted

Four past issues of the Camden Community News have featured articles on the importance of the 2020 Census; what the benefits are to Minnesota if we have 100 percent participation in reporting, and what information is needed to complete the census. You should have received your original invitation from the U.S. Census Bureau in March, and a follow-up reminder at least by this time.

One more item that the COVID-19 virus has challenged is the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau has been forced to halt the field operations of Census workers to obey the social distancing requirements. So, there will not be anyone coming to your door to help you file the Census. If you have put off completing the Census, please do so now.

If you are struggling with the Census, you can call the following numbers: English: 844-330-2020, Spanish: 844-468-2020.

With the COVID-19 circumstances in Minnesota, you may have more time to get the Census information entered online. If you are staying home with school-age children or laid off from your job and are responsible for schooling your children during this time, consider this an opportunity for a social studies lesson. If your child(ren) don’t know about the Census, it is an interesting history lesson:

  • The original U.S. Constitution was written in the early days of the United States, when slave ownership was allowed and slaves were counted as 3/5th of a person.
  • The 14th Amendment was approved in 1868, and now the Census counts each person equally, whether man, woman, child, regardless of race, political party, nationality, etc.