The Capri Theater continues to adjust its schedule as we all continue to manage our way through the pandemic.
Here are the latest updates: First Thursday Films at North High: Remainder of spring season cancelled. Saturday Camp Capri: Remainder of spring season cancelled. Capri Glee! at PCYC, starting May 5 is postponed, new schedule to be announced. Summer Camp Capri: To be announced. Capri fall programming and grand opening: To be announced.
Any further changes will be posted on the Capri website and Capri Facebook page as soon as decisions are made.
Meanwhile, the Capri team is working on the history section of the new Capri website. If you’re willing to share photos, posters, programs, stories or other memorabilia from the Capri “back in the day,” contact Gregory Graham at ggraham@pcyc-mpls.org. Graham recently received a treasure trove of information from the 4H American Variety Theater Company era that beautifully illuminates the Capri’s rich history – and we hope to hear from many more history buffs out there!
Also, as of this writing, construction on the Capri renovation and expansion continues. Concrete on the second floor has been poured, and the first floor will be graded the week of April 20 and poured the following week, at which point the pace of construction will really pick up. “It’s going to be great!” said Capri Director James Scott. “The lobby space is just phenomenal, and it’s very exciting to get a sense of how all the interior amenities will work for artists and audiences.” A sneak peek construction slide show is now available at thecapritheater.org, and you can watch Capri exterior construction in progress, live, at any time at tinyurl.com/CapriConstructionLive2.
Be sure to check out the Capri’s new video library, too, at thecapritheater.org/capri-memories.