Victory neighborhood is a diverse and inclusive neighborhood building community through inclusion, fairness, and wellness, achieved through communication, outreach and engagement.
Upcoming Events:
ViNA board and neighborhood meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of each month at The Robbins Urban Wellness Retreat at 3900 Thomas Avenue North.
Please note due to the ongoing developments with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) all ViNA pre-scheduled social gatherings, events and meetings are canceled until further notice to coincide with public health officials’ recommendations.
Community Building:
Our community has various residents with various needs and offerings and we are working to create connections to help those with the most needs. If you can offer a supportive service such as grocery shopping, medication pick up, delivery, transportation, etc. please reach out to our office. If you are a resident in need of support, please reach out to our office at info@victoryneighborhood.org or 612-529-9558.
Census 2020:
The Census 2020 is underway, and we encourage each household to complete the census. Ensuring that each person is counted in the census is important to our community as the results of the census determine how much federal funding flows directly into each state and each community.
Tenant Resource Center is at the Minneapolis Urban League located at 2100 Plymouth Avenue North. Services include assistance with tenant-landlord issues along with eviction prevention, legal help, mediation, emergency assistance and homeless prevention. Please contact them directly for more information at 612-302-3100
Conflict Resolution Center provides neighbor to neighbor, tenant-landlord, business-customer mediation services and more. For more information please contact them directly at 612-822-9883.
To stay up to date, please find us at victoryneighborhood.org facebook.com/VictoryNeighborhood/
Please contact us at info@victoryneighborhood.org or call us at 612-529-9558