The Minnesota DFL has postponed political endorsing conventions and other steps due to the COVID-19 outbreak. As a result, the Senate District 59 DFL Convention scheduled for March 28 at North Community High School has been cancelled, and will be rescheduled at a later date. The SD59 leadership will be looking to reschedule the convention after identifying available space on one of the approved dates. Find info at dfl.org/media/dfl-executive-committee-approves-emergency-measures-to-protect-against-coronavirus/.
For info on other political party conventions and activities visit their individual websites. Republican Party, mngop.com; Green Party, mngreen.org; Libertarian Party, lpmn.org.
For future info: Polling Place Finder, pollfinder.sos.state.mn.us/; and Precinct Finder, gis.leg.mn/iMaps/precincts/.