These are certainly stressful times. Never in my lifetime have I experienced anything like the massive health panic, economic upheaval and social shutdown that we are engaged in right now. [I do remember the polio scare of the 1950s and standing in long lines at Jordan Jr. High to get my first dose of the new oral polio vaccine, but when you are seven years old it is hard to understand the gravity of a situation. I don’t remember it otherwise disrupting my life.]
It appears that we will be practicing social distancing for a least awhile; events large and small have been canceled, public spaces such as museums, theaters and restaurants are shuttered and people of a certain age (which includes me) have been told to stay home to be safe until we figure this all out. But for some of us, staying inside staring at the same four walls for a lengthy period of time only adds to the stress – no matter how much we love our housemates. This winter/spring is shaping up to be an extended season of cabin fever! Hopefully, the weather will soon be amenable to us getting outside into our yards for some stress-reducing gardening.
The idea of nature affecting our well-being goes back to ancient times. Biblically life began in a garden and in 500 BC the Persians planted lush gardens to please the senses with beauty, fragrance, cooling temperatures and movement. Research confirms that there are health benefits from connecting with plants; seeing, planting, growing and caring for them.
In 1798, Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, documented the improvements found in his mentally ill patients who were working in the gardens, over and above those who were not. The U.S. Veterans Administration used gardening for physical and occupational therapy for GIs returning after World War II, and in the 1970s and 1980s the concept of nature improving human health and well-being began to grow. Research by Roger Ulrich in 1984 showed that patients who could view trees from their rooms had shorter hospital stays and needed less medication.
Empirical research shows many benefits to a connection to nature, plants and gardening in many areas of our wellbeing. Physically, gardening can improve strength, stamina and mobility while increasing energy and endurance, and improving eye/hand coordination. Being outside and gardening increases social interaction (from a distance) and improves coping skills, concentration and the ability to focus, exercises the memory, promotes positive thinking, improves problem solving and planning, and can teach new skills and be used for job training.
The Minnesota Conservation Corps is an organization whose goals are to help young people from diverse backgrounds become more connected to the environment, engaged in conservation, involved in the community and prepared for future employment.
Psychologically, gardening contributes greatly to an improved sense of wellbeing. It is proven to reduce stress, anxiety and tension and there are verifiable physiological reasons for this. Bacteria in the soil increase serotonin in the brain which relieves depression, and because these bacteria are more present in the soil surrounding plant roots, gardeners have more exposure to them. Working in a garden also reduces cortisol, the ‘stress hormone” which leads to an improved sense of calm and wellbeing.
Plants and gardens also stimulate all of our senses. We can see color, textures, patterns and movement of plants, butterflies and birds. We can hear birds chirping, sounds made by tree branches, grasses and perhaps wind chimes that are moved by the air. If we are fortunate enough to have a water feature in our garden, the sound of running water can be very soothing. It is known that the smell of lavender releases hormones that make us happy and that the smell of roses can actually reduce blood pressure. Research has shown that a walk through a pine forest can significantly reduce depression and stress levels. Indulge your sense of touch in the garden by rubbing your hands over foliage which can produce an unconscious calming effect. Rub the leaves of herbs between your fingers and smell the tantalizing aromas.
And green plants may also calm traffic; studies show that people drive slower on roads that are lined with green plants rather than hard surfaces.
So what can we do in our gardens this time of the year? It is of course too early to plant anything, but on the 60° Sunday we had last month I spent a few hours outside cutting down perennials that I had left for the birds and winter interest over the winter. The seed heads were long ago stripped bare and most of the tall plants were lying limp.
I plan to do some more preparing of my garden when the sun is out and the temperature is above freezing. In the process I hope to uncover tulips and ephemerals that are coming up and enjoy watching the trees start to bud. If nothing else I will take walks around the block and listen to the birds which are starting to sing. Nature can help relieve the stress of the current confinements and give us a whole new perspective to handle our national emergency.