Minneapolis Mayor Frey made an emergency declaration on March 19 due to the COVID-19 virus. This means pretty much all public City government meetings are temporarily suspended to minimize the spread of COVID-19. You can read the entire emergency notice at minneapolismn.gov/coronavirus/WCMSP-223263. But that doesn’t mean all City business will stop – many meetings will be held remotely – including City Council meetings.
The Council is taking proactive steps to minimize the spread of COVID-19 by adjusting its own operations. Starting with the March 19 special emergency meeting, meetings of the City Council, including its committees, will be conducted remotely, as allowed under Minnesota Statutes, Section 13D.021.
Under that law, City Council members do not need to be physically present for meetings but may participate remotely by telephone or other electronic means due to a health pandemic or other emergency conditions. All public meetings will continue to be conducted from the Council Chamber (Room 317) at City Hall, with key staff in attendance, such as the City Attorney, City Coordinator and City Clerk. All meetings will be livestreamed on the City’s website.
Most appointed City boards and commissions public meetings are also temporarily cancelled. That includes all Minneapolis Park Board meetings.
Visit minneapolismn.gov for info on all City meetings or call 311.