Note: As the Camden News goes to print the City has not yet changed the deadline date or circumstances regarding parklets for this season. Check their website for updates.
The City of Minneapolis is seeking community partners to host City-owned parklets for the 2020 season. Parklets are unique public gathering spaces built in the right-of-way with seating, plantings and other amenities.
Neighborhood organizations, businesses, nonprofits, community organizations and Special Services Districts are encouraged to apply to host a City-owned parklet. The application deadline is Friday, April 3.
City crews will setup the parklets at host locations in the spring after street sweeping is completed and will remove them in the fall. The City-owned parklets include the parklet structure (platform and planter boxes), plantings, chairs, tables, patio umbrellas and public parklet signage. Hosts are responsible for day-day to maintenance such as watering plants, picking up trash, talking down umbrellas on windy days, locking up tables and chairs when not in use, and reporting any issues.
The goal of the parklet program is to activate streets with fun public spaces that make neighborhoods more vibrant and support local businesses. Info: parklets@minneapolismn.gov.