Your neighborhood Capri Theater and partners, the MSP Film Society and The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, have made significant schedule adjustments in April due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
As of this writing here’s the revised schedule:
- First Thursday Films at North High: Charm City, April 2 – cancelled
- SPCO’s Chamber Music Series at Sanctuary Covenant, April 3 – cancelled
- SPCO’S Xplorchestra concert, Sanctuary Covenant, April 4 – cancelled
- Capri Glee! at PCYC, starting April 7 – rescheduled
Rehearsals: Tuesday, May 5 – Tuesday, June 2. Concert: Tuesday, June 9
- Camp Capri, Saturday, April 18 – to be determined
Any further changes will be posted on the Capri website, thecapirtheater.org, and Capri Facebook page as soon as decisions are made.
You’re also invited to check out the Capri’s new video library at thecapritheater.org/capri-memories. This archive of memories made at the Capri offers video highlights from Legends @ the Capri, Capri Glee!, Summer Camp Capri, the Capri groundbreaking and more.
Meanwhile, as of this writing, construction on the Capri renovation and expansion continues. The interior preparation for renovation is complete. Steel is up and the exterior wrap is almost complete. Roofing work has started, and interior plumbing, electrical and mechanical work has begun. “You can now see the shape of the expansion and develop a real sense of how this project will look and feel on the block. It’s exciting!” said Capri Director James Scott. Watch Capri construction in progress, live, at any time: tinyurl.com/CapriConstructionLive.