Knox Knocks
This Camden street was named after Henry Knox, an American military officer; born in Boston on July 25, 1750. For his signal service at Yorktown he was made Major-General. In 1785 Congress appointed him Secretary of War. He was the valued friend of George Washington and rendered him great assistance in disbanding the army and in managing Indian affairs. He resigned from the Cabinet in 1795, retiring to private life. He died in Thomaston, Maine on October 25, 1806.
Log on to Logan
John Alexander Logan was an American soldier and statesman; born in Jackson Co., Illinois on February 9, 1826. The Mexican War broke out when Logan was 20, and he enlisted at once and was made a lieutenant. He enlisted on the outbreak of the Civil War, and rose to the rank of Major-General, being distinguished throughout the struggle for valor and patriotism. He was elected United States Senator from Illinois 1871-1877-1883-1889; was nominated for the Vice-Presidency on the ticket headed by James G. Blaine in 1884, but was defeated. He died in Washington, D.C.